
Action stawiamy_ is an initiative of the A3 Technology and Structure specialty, led by Prof. arch. Anna Maria Wierzbicka at the Warsaw University of Technology. students answer through architecture the question of how to participate in the discussion of important social issues. Each year, the construction of the pavilion is accompanied by a leading slogan, which becomes the inspiration for the resulting project. The students' task is to design and then build a pavilion that becomes part of Warsaw's public space. This is yet another year of cooperation between stawiamy_ and the Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie, who provide the students with land to realize their ideas.


The project is carried out by employees of the Department of Architecture within the framework of the Master's degree program, specialization A3 - architecture of technology and structure, context and meaning.

Kinga Zinowiec-Cieplik

Szymon Kalata

Paweł Trębacz

Mariusz Wrona

Maciej Kaufman

Prof . Anna Maria Wierzbicka

Architekt Maciej Kaufman - współzałożyciel pracowni Archigrest, autor nagrodzonych projektów osiedli, budynków i przestrzeni publicznych, współprojektant warszawskich parków tzw. czwartej natury – na kopcu Powstania Warszawskiego i Żerańskiego. Wspiera nas swoim doświadczeniem na każdym etapie projektu: od koncepcji, przez projekt budowlany, aż po organizację budowy pawilonu.



Each year, about 20 students from the first year of their master's studies at the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology work on the project.

creators of the 2023 freedom pavilion

creators of the 2024 future pavilion

sponsors of stawiamy_
